
Let's begin with some definitions to better understand what needs to be accomplished.

Human-Computer Interaction

An interdisciplinary field focused on the interactions between human users and computer systems, including the user interface that seeks to create effective, efficient, and satisfying interactions.

Interaction Design

  • Designing interactive products to support people in their everyday and working lives
  • Design of spaces for human communication & interaction

User Experience

  • Everything that the user sees, hears and touches
  • The overall experience a user has with a product, service or event
  • How satisfying, usable, and well-designed users perceive an interface to be

This is the phenomenon you should understand and strive to improve in order to succeed when designing interactions.

Iteration and Evaluation

The user experience is a crucial driving force in interaction design.

User-Centered Design (UCD) involves testing with users at every stage of the design process.

  • Needs and requirements
  • Develop designs
  • Build prototypes
  • Evaluate designs
Too long; didn't read

We want to ensure that the user has a satisfying experience, through understanding and iteration.

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